Finally there…

Finally there…

After a long time the moment is there, Atelier Tilia is finally launching its website. A website to browse through the collection of items collected over the past time. Everything has been carefully chosen, with a focus on design, function and simplicity. Timeless, well-made objects that will not only make you happy today, but for many years to come.

In the collection you will find beautiful products that elevate the daily things in life such as your first cup of coffee in the morning, the cutlery you use to eat your food with or the fruit bowl in which you display your fruit and vegetables in all their simple glory.

“why buy something new, when so many beautiful and
high quality items have already been made!”

The collection is ever-changing and often difficult to classify. All objects radiate a certain timeless energy because of their shape, story, choice of material or craftsmanship. I hope you will enjoy the collection as much as I did collecting it and any feedback or suggestions for items you would like to see here in the future are welcome.

– Linde (Collector, flâneur and seller of items who are given a second life)